Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Reflection on human science experience

On Monday in our double period of TOK, we were split into two groups. One group was to plan a presentation on the topic of challenges that scientists are facing today and the other group was to assess the human behavior that occurred during the planning stage. 

I was part of the group that assessed the planning and it was a very interesting experience! As I have only experienced being part of a group planning something and having not actually experienced watching a group plan something and assessing their behavior, I found it weird to dig deeper and to really study their behavior.

The feelings that were shown from each different person in the group would show many things to a human scientist also studying our in-class simulation. They would show that you can actually tell what kind of personality one has by the way that they contribute to the discussion, they would show you what kind of relationships exist between different people and they would show the level of confidence in a person. 

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